Im not sure where to go with this, my brain is always all over, and I have so much to say always.
I live the "Zombie Life". That is not meant to be understood. It's kind of the point to be honest, our lives revolve around telling other people how we feel. I like keeping things to myself, its the greatest gift imaginable. Many don't feel my way, that only means my goal is accomplished.
Anyway, a bit more about myself at this state in dimension.
I'm currently a student at the Hallmark Institute of photography. 2 months into the program, and my life has never been better. Its not only the school thats great, but I have a lot of new friends that I absolutely adore. When I came to Hallmark, I told myself I would try to be a normal person, and get to know people. That seams to have worked very well for me, I'm not the loner I used to be, and since very recently I am in a relationship with the most amazing girl in the world. Its weird, we have not know each other for a long time (Well in my vocabulary this is what dating is supposed to be) but we have a connection that I have never felt before. This whole friend thing has been good, and bad. More good then bad tho. The bad is that I have not been able to make friends that don't talk about other people, and whats even worse is i find my self talking about others in the negative way more and more. This is a bit scary, and an explanation to why I was always such a loner. So now its the choice between being normal vs. a loner.
"Normal" funny I should use that word. Such a weird thing to call anyone, or anything. So unexplainable what normal even means.
I guess to sum me up in a super-hero way would be "Truth-Seeker" Ever since I could remember I was the weird kid asking all the questions. When I don't know how something works, I must find out. Paranormal stuff is where I live, because most of it being unexplainable phenomenon, it gives me numerous amounts of story lines. Yeah, sometimes I geek out in my room and write zombie stories, and special tactics about what to do in a zombie apocalypse.
Personally I have no problem with this, I believe it makes me a better person. It put me above all the others at a workplace, and makes me feel great about myself.
If there is one thing you should get out of reading this is that
- I don't believe in Grammar.
- I can not spell to save a life.
- You get to love my randomness.
- Zombies are my thing.
Back to photography, recently fashion has taken a toll on me. I bought a Vogue magazine today, the photography is amazing. I also noticed I have a weird obsession with watch ads. I will defiantly have to do one some day.
Wow, it feels like Im rambling into a diary. I have to try and not be so boring next time.
Good Night :)
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