Friday, November 30, 2012


Be one with the earth. What better way then to see its beauty from above! 

Later that day, got a 1 head kit, and well, I took these 2 images that I am extremely proud of. 

Check that expression! Perfect capture, Except for the branch crushing across her face. You win some you loose some! haha still extremely happy about this. 

Not much to say about this one. I love it. I consider it a portrait. Wish I used a reflector to bring out her eyes a little more. The learning process.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Here comes the photography spiel. Couldn't pass it by. 
Im completely overwhelmed with the amount of thought I have been putting into fashion photography. Its really funny, not only a year ago, when I saw someone reading a vouge magazine I wouldn't pay it any mind, or I would think how silly it is that they actually paid money for that. Here, a couple lectures, and hours of inspiration. Im completely obsessed. I bought 2 big fashion mags already. Started a inspiration binder with a bunch of things I like. Now, I believe, David Turner has made me want to learn how to do makeup. This is so creepy. Not because of what it is, but how not to long ago I never knew how strongly I would feel on this topic, But I guess thats life.

Speaking of life, I had a thought yesterday. 
Our whole lives are conspired of questions. 
Think about it, you always think about what you do. 
Pro's + Con's 
Its all a bunch of questions. 
Even Pain, and health. 
No one is really sure of anything anymore, Our world is becoming so unstable.

Moral of this story. 
I love Fashion Photography. 
But, thats not what I want to make my career. 
Still life / Product  is where I want to be. The cool thing is I can mix fashion into the twist. 

I know this isn't much, but I took this picture today.
I know its not much
I have a bunch of frames, needs some retouching. 
But I had a great time doing it, and Im Happy. 
Thats all that matters, Life takes its toll now. 

Well at the end of all that, Spent some time in the portrait studio.
I love the studio space, but not for portraits :p

And I guess a little add to the Diary
Life's awesome, She's awesome, Flying High tomorrow.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Monday is quite the funny day.
For most people its annoying, boring, and just pure torture.
Im a people watcher, and a thinker.

In one of my lectures today, I paid close attention to my instructor.
It was amusing the little tads, and bits I was receiving from him.
We just had a long weekend from Thanksgiving break, and you can see he was not in the ballgame.
Not only was he 100% not ready to be back in class, but he was a completely different individual.

When he was talking about our assignments, going over the same thing 100 times, I came up with a couple awesome ideas for future shoots. Its crazy how I cannot stop planning shoots.

The start of the excitement for the week.
Wednesday we are taking Arial shots. Flying is the best.

and here's a little surprise, my Monday face!
Happy Monday :) 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

First Blog

Well it is 11:05pm and I am laying in bed with 11% battery left with my charge being all the way downstairs. I have never been one to blog, but I guess its a good way to clear my head. Im not much of a talker, and confrontation is not really a thing that I do. Yes I know that these are things I have to do on a daily basis, and when I am doing it at work, or school, it is completely okay. I feel like when Im alone, and leisurely I shouldn't have to do things that are not pleasant to self.
Im not sure where to go with this, my brain is always all over, and I have so much to say always.
 I live the "Zombie Life". That is not meant to be understood. It's kind of the point to be honest, our lives revolve around telling other people how we feel. I like keeping things to myself, its the greatest gift imaginable. Many don't feel my way, that only means my goal is accomplished.
Anyway, a bit more about myself at this state in dimension.
I'm currently a student at the Hallmark Institute of photography. 2 months into the program, and my life has never been better. Its not only the school thats great, but I have a lot of new friends that I absolutely adore. When I came to Hallmark, I told myself I would try to be a normal person, and get to know people. That seams to have worked very well for me, I'm not the loner I used to be, and since very recently I am in a relationship with the most amazing girl in the world. Its weird, we have not know each other for a long time (Well in my vocabulary this is what dating is supposed to be) but we have a connection that I have never felt before.  This whole friend thing has been good, and bad. More good then bad tho. The bad is that I have not been able to make friends that don't talk about other people, and whats even worse is i find my self talking about others in the negative way more and more. This is a bit scary, and an explanation to why I was always such a loner. So now its the choice between being normal vs. a loner.
"Normal" funny I should use that word. Such a weird thing to call anyone, or anything. So unexplainable what normal even means.
I guess to sum me up in a super-hero way would be "Truth-Seeker" Ever since I could remember I was the weird kid asking all the questions. When I don't know how something works, I must find out. Paranormal stuff is where I live, because most of it being unexplainable phenomenon, it gives me numerous amounts of story lines. Yeah, sometimes I geek out in my room and write zombie stories, and special tactics about what to do in a zombie apocalypse.
Personally I have no problem with this, I believe it makes me a better person. It put me above all the others at a workplace, and makes me feel great about myself.
If there is one thing you should get out of reading this is that

  • I don't believe in Grammar. 
  • I can not spell to save a life. 
  • You get to love my randomness. 
  • Zombies are my thing.
It's weird how good it feels to get my thoughts written out, I have always been writing. Never about myself, I think its because I was never emotionally happy with who I was, and felt shameful of myself. Living the happiest life ever lately has slowly began to change that about me. It feels great.
Back to photography, recently fashion has taken a toll on me. I bought a Vogue magazine today, the photography is amazing. I also noticed I have a weird obsession with watch ads. I will defiantly have to do one some day.
Wow, it feels like Im rambling into a diary. I have to try and not be so boring next time.
Good Night :)